One Hot Mess

One Hot Mess celebrates the journey of self-discovery, healing, and growth. We’ll explore self-improvement, relationships, spirituality, astrology, and more. Whether you’re looking for advice, motivation, or inspiration, One Hot Mess has something for you! It’s time to discover how to embrace your messy, beautiful life.🤎

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10 hours ago

*Exploring the Complexities of The Law of Attraction: The Intersection of OCD and Lucky Girl Syndrome*
In today's episode, we will be diving into the complex world of The Law of Attraction and its potential negative effects when coupled with OCD. We will explore the concept of Lucky Girl Syndrome, a controversial idea that raises the question of whether it is a harmless self-fulfilling prophecy or a toxic trap. Together, we will examine the psychological intricacies of manifesting desires and confront the question: Does the pursuit of positivity lead to a cycle of obsession and disillusionment? Join us as we explore the delicate balance between attracting pain and promoting true self-care.

10 hours ago

Embrace & Release: Manifesting Love Freely.
Today we are going to talk about the transformative practice of manifesting love and explore the balance between desire and detachment. We will learn how to love deeply without the weight of expectation. We will share insights and techniques on how to open your heart to love while staying grounded in the present moment. This episode is a guide to embracing love's journey with an open heaty and an open mind.
*Be specific about what you want in a partner or relationship. Write down your intentions, visualize them, and believe that they are already on their way to you.
*Understand that attachment to outcomes can create anxiety and block the flow of love. Release rigid expectations and allow love to unfold naturally. Trust the process.
*Let go of control. Surrender the need to control every aspect of your love life. Trust that the Universe is orchestrating beautiful connections for you.
*Remember love is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride, learn from each experience, and keep your heart open. <3

23 hours ago

Sweet Gaps- The Age Difference and Sugar Daddy Debate.
Dive into the depths of desire and dollars in this thought-provoking episode where we unravel the complexities of age-gap relationships and the sugar daddy phenomenon. Join me as we explore the societal perceptions, personal narratives, and emotional and financial intricacies that define these unconventional bonds. Whether it's love, luxury, or the lure of stability, we dissect what drives these partnerships beyond the years. Tune in to One Hot Mess as we discuss the sweet and the bitter of age-disparate relationships in a world where age is more than just a number.

2 days ago

Welcome to 'One Hot Mess', an insightful foray into love, heartbreak, and the intricacies of relationships. In this episode, we navigate the turbulent emotional landscape following a breakup, shedding light on finding strength in self-trust. Join host Brittany as she unwraps the layers of self-doubt and sorrow, offering practical advice on controlling emotions and forming trust in future relationships. Experience an enlightenment promoting your faith in your judgments as a crucial element in making room for love.
Brittany sets forth a roadmap for healing post-heartbreak, involving an in-depth analysis of the failed relationship and an understanding of a healthy and toxic relationship's differentiation. For those seeking to return to the dating scene, she furnishes valuable guidance on everything from the intricacies of online dating to finding a compatible and appreciating partner. Explore effective tactics to maintain emotional and mental stability while adventuring into newfound relationships. This episode serves as a comprehensive beacon to self-awareness, personal growth, and overcoming the hurdles of heartbreak.
Breakups often trigger a whirlwind of emotions, including relief, anger, sadness, and loss. Understand your feelings, be truthful to yourself, and remember that it's normal to have conflicting emotions. Brittany guides you through the phases of post-breakup emotions, offering strategies that allow you to face these feelings instead of avoiding them. Discover how to set a no-contact rule and slowly acclimate to your new reality. Practice how to cope with anger and resentment, establish boundaries, and direct your anger positively. Learn about dealing with your sadness and ensuring your mental and physical well-being. Embrace your new normal and gain closure by understanding why your relationship had to end and extending forgiveness where it's due.
The final stage leads you to recognize your resilience and strength, reflect on the shared experiences in the relationship, and open yourself to the possibility of love again. Each stage of a breakup is a stepping stone towards a stronger, wiser version of you. Navigate these emotions with self-compassion and self-care, making the healing process more bearable.

5 days ago

*THE INNER WORK- cH. 11: True Freedom & Lasting Happiness*
Finally reading the final chapter of 'The Inner Work'
-Love and Inner Peace
-True freedom and lasting happiness
-The final surrender
-Awakening humanity
"May all beings everywhere and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions, of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all." - Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Monday Apr 22, 2024

Engage in a deep dive into the unpalatable fact of life – rejection – and learn how to effectively deal with it. Recognize that rejection, be it personal, professional, or romantic, is an inevitable reality. Through this fascinating episode, you'll experience how rejection trauma can physically hurt and strike at our inherent human need for acceptance and belonging.
Explore the five stages of rejection: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Understand that moving through these phases is a deeply personal process that requires patience and understanding. Grasping the stages of rejection can help you steer towards acceptance and peace, preparing you better for future rejections.
The fear of rejection can hinder risk-taking and personal growth. Learn how to stay resilient in the face of disappointments and grasp how rejection can lead to positive change if encountered with the right mindset. Discover seven essential steps to recover from a rejection and realize how they help maintain a healthy sense of self and self-esteem.
This episode also presents a practical guide on the right way to respond to a job rejection email. A disappointing no shouldn’t end your connection with a potential employer. Instead, learn to leave a positive and lasting impression that opens opportunities for future roles. Discover tips on expressing your gratitude, demonstrating your interest, asking for constructive feedback, and providing contact information. A sample response email is even provided to guide you towards a dignified and growth-oriented expression of response to a job rejection.
Experiencing the pain of rejection is natural, but wallowing in it isn't. Equip yourself with a resilient mindset, unwavering confidence, and adaptive skills to handle rejections. Remember, rejection is a fact of life but how you respond to it defines your growth and future success.

Monday Apr 22, 2024

The Inner Work - Chapter 10
We finally finished chapter 10!!!
*Reason and logic
I cannot wait to start 11! Which is the final chapter of The Inner Work! If you would like to suggest a book that you want me to read, please just comment and let me know what it is, and I will get it and we can continue this little book club we have going on. Or if you would rather email your book suggestions that is fine as well.

Self-Destructive Behavior

Sunday Apr 21, 2024

Sunday Apr 21, 2024

~Why people engage in self-destructive behavior- + traits, types, how to stop.
*Self-destructive behavior as a coping mechanism
*Self-destructive behavior as a means to exert control
*What causes self-destructive behavior?
*Traits self-destructive behavior people share
*Types of self-destructive behavior
* The helper-helpee relationship
*Healing and recovery from self-destructive behaviors

Sunday Apr 21, 2024

Join us on this fascinating journey where we explore how your body, mind, and spirit evolve every seven years. It’s a scientifically proven fact that we all transform, with our cells rejuvenating and our mental structures shaping up. From infancy all through teenage years to adulthood and then old age, we'll guide you through this mesmerizing seven-year cyclic process.We start off from surmising the effects of physical, emotional, and social development in our immediate surroundings during our first seven years of life. Understand the role of instinct, the criticality of love, protection, and support, and how our inner and mental structures grow during this phase. The session moves onto discussing the years seven through fourteen, a period of rapid physical and psychological autonomy. We elaborate on the development of sexual organs, the emergence of social responsibility and the expansion of a child's unique inner world. As we navigate through the chunk of adolescence, from ages 14 to 21, we unveil the strong emotional and physiological changes that shape us into individuals. Independence becomes our driving force and we start to choose our partners for our own needs, while exploring the world of art, literature, and music. Our journey proceeds towards the years 21 to 28 where mental and emotional refinement set in. We discuss how the physical prowess peaks and we start building the base of our careers and lasting relationships. Then we exegetically explore the phase between the ages of 28 to 35, a time when the creative processes of the mind come to the forefront and the brain reaches its peak. Midlife crisis, personal reinvention, spiritual awakening, and a deeper understanding of life – we cover it all between the ages of 35 to 63. Learn how restlessness sets in or how contentment settles based on life circumstances, and how we find a deeper connection with ourselves.As we reach our final stages, we explore the years from 63 and beyond, discussing growing comfort with life, increased intuition, acceptance, and a stage of passing on knowledge. As one's body ages, we delve into the increased tendency to self-introspect, to see the brighter side of things, and developing deeper connections with the self. To conclude, let us help you to navigate through the critical phases of life, taking you on a journey well-worth listening, be it for self-referential purposes or to comprehend the people around you better. Connect with us to understand how we change, mature, and evolve every moment and every seven years.

Saturday Apr 20, 2024

The Inner Work : Accepting Our Destiny (chapter 10)
We are going to start reading chapter ten of The Inner Work. This will be part one and we will finish chapter ten in the next couple of episodes. 

  Thank you so much for listening to ONE HOT MESS! Please make sure to hit that follow button. I'm planning some fun stuff in the near future. I will be doing special gift giveaways for my followers and even a chance to be on the podcast as a co-host. If you would like to discuss being on the podcast, please feel free to email me and we can discuss things further. Thanks so much.

(910) 553-6143 - email/text/leave a voicemail ANYTIME to share whatever is on your mind and I will respond to your message on the podcast!

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